Thursday, November 02, 2006

Does platform really matter?

Most of the times, people ask this question: “Okay, you are in Software. Then which platform you are working on?” Most of the computer literates have some idea about various platforms like: Windows, Linux, Solaris etc. So, this question is very common and it will be then followed by technologies/tools and so on.

While I do wonder sometimes, does it really matter for us who are developing software driven by client’s requirements? Of course, we can try to convince our clients to use specific platform/technologies. But eventually it will be his call. Right? Even though you convince him about using .NET based applications and tools by giving him various advantages like less development time, good quality UI and so on. Eventually, what matters for us his customers go ahead. So, if not Windows then you better geared up with Linux skills because your client wants it. ;) That is why people say 'Please check your politics at the door—here, we care only about how tools can be used to solve problems'.


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